Mythical Type

Lancaster, Pennsylvania



I started making zines in 2019 and found them to be a great way to connect with artists and writers. My zines are inspired by science fiction, conversations with friends, and observations of everyday life. I like working with digital and analog tools and trying different ways to put together words and illustrations.


Timers for Travelers, $4.00 - A 20-page zine about the experiences of time travelers. It includes why timers are important, tips and warnings for traveling through time, and time travel methods. Purchase here.

How to Teleport Safely, $3.00 - A handy (fictional) guide for how to use teleportation devices safely and avoid…incidents. Purchase here.

Photographic Memories, $4.00 - A 20-page zine that collects illustrations, writing, and memories related to photography. Purchase here.

Text Message Moods, $3.00 - Illustrates what text message conversations look like, depending on people’s moods. Purchase here.

Links, Social, & Support


Etsy shop:


Social media: @kali.kambo on Instagram